Thursday 29 August 2013

freakin excited! Yeah Yeah Yeah! We're moving Sept. 31st or earlier. Such. A. Relief. I am so grateful we've been able to stay at the parent's house for this long and this cheap, but it's so time to move on. This place is so unhealthy mentally and physically. Everyone in this house is aggresive. The energy just feels angry and tense all the time, and we only have the one room for ALL of our stuff! 2 beds, 2 dressers, a portable closet, a desk, a shelf, three mini dressers for Clay, a dining room table and chairs, a bedside table, and a playpen. Plus 1 cat. *sigh* it's been reeeally hard. Clay has like 2 meters to roam, and he's full out crawling now. He wants to get into everything, and I feel so bad because he has no room to cruise around, since I can't let him on the ground outside of our bedroom due to the cat pee in the carpets.

The place we're moving to has hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, a big kitchen with space for a table, a big living room, a beautiful view, it's cat friendly, there's no mold, and there's laundry machines on site, all for $750.00 a month, heat and hot water included. Hell yeah! I am over the moon with excitement, I want to be there now.

Now, if we were to do laundry as much as we do now (pretty much a load a day :S) it would cost us about $120.00 a month, assuming the dryers would thoroughly dry our clothes, which I doubt. Soooo, I've decided to hand wash most things, excluding items such as jeans, towels and adult blankets which would be harder to wash I think. Now, by handwash, I mean make my own bucket washer! Check it out here: 
How to Make a Camp Style Bucket Washer and here: How to Wash Clothes in the Bucket Washer

So when it comes to drying the clothes, there's this!: The Indoor Clothesline!

Pretty stoked to try it, I hope it all works. I know it's gonna be a lot more work, but I think it's worth the extra $100.00 some a month!

Baby Led Weaning is Awesome!

Yes, Clay is now on solids! He started maybe a week before he was 6 months old. At first it was scary... now I just sit back, relax and eat my own meal while he eats his. It's so much fun preparing his meals alongside ours. Anything we're using for our meal that he can eat I put on a small plate for him, like so :)

He has had plum, banana (which was absolutely disastrous lol), peach (his favorite), watermelon, plum, bell pepper, swiss chard, spinach, strawberries, blue berries, grapes (in little chunks), cucumber, onion, garlic, mushroom, potato, sweet potato, oatmeal, quinoa, tomato, avocado, carrot, squash, lemon, orange, and more that I can't think of at the moment lol. 

We have done spoon feeding with things like oatmeal (which he finds hysterical or some reason lol), so it's not like I think the spoon is evil lol, I know some people who do :P He's gonna use a spoon one day, so I see no point in avoiding it all together. The reason we do BLW is because in my opinion babies should learn to chew before they learn to swallow, they should be allowed to make a mess and experiment on their own (under supervision of course) and fully "experience" food lol. It's fun, just as safe if not safer than puree, and babies learn to eat until they are full, not beyond, so it's a great start to healthy eating habits down the road.

Won't he choke? abies have a gag reflex that is closer to the front of their mouths then adults'.So in doing BLW or spoon feeding, you may notice some gagging. But the difference between gagging and choking is thatif a baby is choking they will not make a sound and you will hear no breath. When a baby is gagging they may stick their tongue out like they're about to throw up, they may cough, but as long as they are breathing and making noise they are perfectly able to handle it on their own, do not interfere unless they are obviously choking. In that case, be educated on what to do in case of emergency. This goes for puree 100% as well. 

Here are some pictures of baby boy eating all on his own *tear* ;)

Clay's First Tooth

All in all his teething ha been an alright experience so far. I do believe the amber necklace and chamomile tea help!!

Clay's First Tooth!

Air Travel was a Success :)

So when we went to Ontario, Clay was perfectly fine on the airplane, just like on the bus. He even had a nap both ways. Landing and Take off didn't seem to bother him it all thankully. The fact that there wasn't much room was annoying but what can ya do. Also, he had to pee like 3 or 4 times during the 2 hour light lol... maybe the air pressure made a difference.

Going through security was flawless, but one thing I found... funny... maybe? Kind of ridiculous actually, was when this security woman asked if I had any liquids for me or for him, and I said nope, nothing. She looked at me like I was a horrible parent and said it must be a short flight then..... Come on people. I wasn't sure what to say since this was the first time anyone has suggested I use formula..

Everyone was really helpful at the airport, so it was an unexpectedly pleasant experience, despite my anxieties about the trip.

The day after I got back I went on a week long camping trip hahaha... I was relieved to get home. But after all the chaos, and Clay learning how to crawl through it all, not to mention he sprouted his first tooth shortly after we got back, he refused to go potty at all for a good week or so. At first I was kinda bummed, but I knew it was normal. So I just let him go in his diaper and did diaper free observation time once a day to try to get a new grasp on his cues and timing again. It took a little while but we're almost back to normal, although we've been missing a lot of poops recently and that's no fun with a baby on solids... :S

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Work It Girl! ... :P

So, there are a few things that have motivated me to get back to my pre-preggo weight and health... 
1. Breastfeeding has stopped shedding the pounds... I think the majority of what got me from my preggo weight of 175 to my postpartum weight of 145 so quickly was the sheer amount of blood I lost lol, plus a little extra calorie burnin' from BFing. I am now back where I started, around 170... :P
2. "No, I'm not pregnant"... yup, this woman was pretty convinced I was having another baby, whilst my 5 month old is chillin' next to me. I mean I know it's possible, but it's not exactly the next thing on my to do list. 
3. I just want to be lighter again. I want more energy, I want to be stronger and more vibrant, and I want to feel good. 

So, I'm gonna try my best to dedicate myself to doing Zumba every Wednesday, hot yoga every Friday, and maybe something on Sunday when daddy has a day off ;)

Ouch >_<"

WHY does it feel like I'm all the sudden starting all over again with breastfeeding!? Seriously, I thought it was gonna be smooth sailing from here on out, but man was I wrong. Every time Clay latches on now and for the first little while during feedings my tits feel as raw as they were postpartum! :( I think perhaps aunt flow is about to stop by for a nice cheerful visit ^^.. >:| If that's why I'm in so much pain, I sure as hell hope this doesn't happen every month!

If it's not my period, maybe it's thrush... I guess I could go to the Doctor's office... Then again it's not like the last 3 times I've gone have been of any use whatsoever. If it continues to get worse over the next couple days I'll go in for sure, I don't want anything getting in the way of our nursing relationship.


>:( Now I don't think it's aunt flow or thrush! I just finished feeding Clay and now there's a small blood blister on my nipple!! What the heck is going on here? I've tried making sure his latch is spot on, it is! :( *sigh*... I'll keep you posted on what's going on :P... and if anyone has any suggestions, help please ._.

Air Travel... o.o Nervous!

So next week I'm going to visit my whole family in Ontario. I'm super stoked! Everyone gets to meet Clay, we're going to the zoo, and I get to see my three year old cousin and his new brother, my 5 month old cousin (same age as Clay). I'm counting down the days, but I'm a bit nervous about the whole ordeal of going through the airport... checking in, and going through security, mostly. I'm worried that even though I've called the airline and asked them exactly what I'll need ID wise for both of us, I won't be able to get through because I'm missing something. :P I know it's silly, but I'll call again before I go, and get the name of the person I spoke with and the time, just in case lol.

I'm nervous about security, because I don't want to be that person that they choose to pat down and search :P I'm not taking a stroller, Clay will be in the ring sling... I'm not sure if I'll have to take him out... Once I get past all that and I get to my gate, I'll be much happier I think :)

I've been going kinda crazy with my packing list. I just want to make sure I have everything... I've never traveled this far and for this long with a baby! It's better that I have it all written down too because then when I go to pack I don't have to think much lol, I've already gone over and over what's going to be packed where.

I sure hope Clay doesn't have a cold when we fly... I've been sick a few times while flying and it SUCKS. It's horrible! I've had such intense sinus pain because of the cabin pressure, it felt like my eyes and forehead were slowly exploding, while simultaneously being stabbed by tiny needles and at the same time my brain was imploding in on itself. Yes it was that bad! Which is why I REALLY REALLY hope Clay is healthy. I know breastfeeding is supposed to help, thankfully.

I just thought about how I may be seated next to some disapproving old lady who gives me nasty looks for whipping my boob out in public without a cover ;) mwahahaha! Let her stare till she learns something! xD

I'm not to worried about the fact that Clay will most likely cry a some point on the plane ride. Go ahead and glare at me, I'm not gonna hold your feelings over my baby's any day. Honestly I think just pretending no one else is on the plane is the best idea, so that I can focus solely on my baby's needs.

Anyway, wish me luck! I'll tell you how it goes!

Baby Sign Language

So for a while now I've been signing potty to Clay as his only real consistent sign, but I've been trying to remember mommy milk every time he nurses, and we do the sign for massage when he gets one, kitty when he notices one, and mommy and daddy when we remember. It's been pretty half-hearted which is totally fine since he won't be able to sign back for another few months (although I figure that doing the sign for a word every time I say it will  help it become second nature to me). My enthusiasm was given a kick start today... I'm not sure what by, but I'm diving head first into the world of baby signing and today I learned a whopping 28 new signs! I chose the ones I thought would be most relevant to our life at the moment... Here are all the signs we're working on now.

Potty (closed fist, thumb bewteen pointer and middle finger, twist like your turning a door knob)
Diaper Change (closed fists, palms together, rub in circles)
Kitty (hand in pincer, start at cheek and pull away from face a couple times, like pulling whiskers)
Massage (opens hands, palms together, rub like your rubbing in oil)
Mommy Milk (slightly open fist, squeeze, squeeze, like milking a cow)
Mommy (open hand and fingers, thumb taps chin then hand moves away from face)
Daddy (open hand and fingers, thumb taps forehead then hand moves away from face)
Up (open hands pat shoulder/chest area)
Down (point down)
Kisses (open hand, tap cheek lightly with finger tips, tap tap)
Good Morning (open hand palm facing the ground, start below eye fingers pointing to nose and wind shield wipe across eye to the outside of face)
Carry (in a carrier) (cross arms into an X in front of chest, closed fists, tap tap)
Bath Time (both hands closed fists, move up and down over torso at the same time)
Toys (closed fist, up and down as if pounding the air, or shaking a rattle)
All Done (open hand and fingers, twist back and forth at the wrist)
Not for Clay (thumb meets pointer finger and middle finger, like pinching)
Tickle (both hands squeezing the air)
Sit (pat where baby is sitting with one hand, pat pat)
Sorry (closed fist, make reversed circles around your chest)
Get Dressed (open hand palm down, descends from above head to below chin like a wind shield wiper)
Get Undressed (open hand palm down, ascends from below chin to above head)
Bus (pointer finger makes little circles like wheels turning)
Sleepy Time (open hand in front of face, fingers close into pincer and eyes close at the same time) 
Bottle (closed fist, bring fist to mouth, tap tap)
Hello (wave hello)
Bye-Bye (wave bye bye)
Inside (one hand closed fist, other hand in pincer motions as if putting something inside closed fist, tap tap)
Outside (pincer to forehead  bring away from forehead and open hand to the sky)  
Stroller (closed fists facing forward, push forward and back like pushing a stroller)
Funny (pointer finger and middle finger of one hand, start at bridge of nose and stroke off the nose a couple times)
Gentle (gently pet top of your head)
Car (closed fists, like your turning a steering wheel back and forth)
Icey (frozen breast milk)(open hand facing outwards, finger tips point to mouth, stroke cheek from mouth to ear with the back of the hand a couple times (like rubbing cheek because of teething pains))
Upset (open hand facing face descends from forehead to chin, thumb on one side fingers on the other, pout)

I've modified a few of them, especially if they originally required 2 hands lol. This is the site I've based most of the off

So it's been about a week now, and I'm getting the hang of using a lot of these signs. It's really neat too because Clay seems to calm down, and pay attention more when I use the sign in conjunction with what I'm saying. For example, when he's upset I ask him, "Why are you upset?" and sign upset, and he seems to calm down like he realizes that I recognize he's frustrated. 

Some signs are harder to get him to pay attention to, such as "mommy milk". Because once he knows he's getting it, all of his attention is on it, not my face or my hands :P oh well, I make the sign anyway. In this case I usually try to make the sign before it's given to him, before I lift my shirt and he gets all excited and single minded lol.

I'm so excited for when he actually starts to sign back!! It'll be so cool to communicate like that, before he can verbalize words. I think it's an extremely valuable tool when it comes to a baby/toddler trying to convey their needs in a way that avoids many tears and tantrums. We'll see how it goes!

Monday 3 June 2013

Everything I Have to Say About Breastfeeding ;)

I realized I haven't exactly made a post about my experience with breastfeeding, and it's such an integral part of my mommy-hood that at first I didn't understand why... I thought about it and I realize now that I didn't know how to really explain all the quirks and qualities of BFing... I don't think it's something that can be understood in words, unless you know breastfeeding like I do, and like other BFing mom's do. It's just like labour and birth, and parenting in general. You may think you know what it's all about, but until you're actually there, experiencing it all... well at that point the majority of our preconceived notions go flying right out the window, awkwardly stuttering and stumbling out of our perfect dream of the perfect motherhood. Am I right?

Just like all writing you may have read on labour, birth, parenting and other articles on breastfeeding, this one may be equally as helpful perhaps in a textbook learning kind of way, but it will not prepare you for all of it's life-affirming beauty, and all it's milky, blistery, haggardness. And if words could explain, I certainly wouldn't want to deprive you of the intense mothering experience the act of learning to breastfeed will offer you :) Regardless, here is my best attempt to shed some light on our own little BFing world. Enjoy! 

The Beginning...

When Clay was first born, I planned on having him do the "breast crawl", where I would leave him on my abdomen for as long as it took for him to find the breast on his own and latch on. Apparently it helps them learn faster how to latch more efficiently than the new mama trying to teach them how. After all, the baby was just born with that reflex, and as a first time mother immediately post-labour, we pretty much just fumble about without a clue (and more often than not, baby knows best). Unfortunately, since I kept bleeding after Clay was born, the nurse helped by massaging my abdomen to try and speed up the delivery of the placenta, and Clay HATED it. When they stopped pressing, he calmed right down, but as soon as they started up again he screamed. Also, since I lost so much blood (and I was up for like 2 days doing the hardest work of my life, surviving off a sporadic diet of raisins and toast), I was feeling pretty woozy. I handed him to my bare-chested partner after a while of mama to baby skin to skin so I could recover a little bit. 

I don't even remember how long it was until I tried to nurse him :P And I don't seem to recall the first time I did either... I do remember that at first and for a long while afterwards, he just wouldn't open his mouth enough! His tiny mouth seemed to be no match for my exceedingly busty bosoms... not to mention he would fall asleep after just a few seconds. I remember being so excited when I heard his tiny self actually swallowing my colostrum... "k......k...." 

In a way I'm kinda glad that I ended up staying at the hospital for a couple nights. I was able to get some breastfeeding support and advice on different positions, and when I totally bawled my eyes out and lost it the first night, my neighbor kindly assured me that it was just my milk coming in lol. I have dreamy memories of me in the hospital bed, Eric on a cot, in our shared hospital room. We took turns sleeping with the new baby Clay, and he slept a lot thankfully. When he cried we tried to figure out what was wrong, when instead I probably could have just nursed him again, and again... and again. To be honest I hadn't given a whole lot of thought to breastfeeding before having him. I knew I would, but I didn't think there was much I could do to prepare (aside from reading some repetitive manuals, and learning to hand express colostrum). I knew in my head how much a newborn needed to feed, but I was very confused and so tired that I didn't readily whip out a boob to feed him when he cried. Eric helped soothe him a lot in those early days.

My nipples hurt from his teeny attempts, and after a few days I developed horrid blisters... At one point one nipple started bleeding (and the thought crossed my mind that Clay was a tiny vampire). They were both black, blistery sucking things, and Clay and I were struggling. At one point Eric began to worry... "I don't think he's getting enough... maybe... do you think he might need formula?" I snapped, "No, I am Not using formula, thank you." He hovered and worried like a mother hen for the first little while, constantly offering his opinion on positioning and proper latch techniques. Frankly, 
it annoyed me most times that he presumed to know more than the woman with the tits (although I know in hindsight that his suggestions were of the purest intent). I'm just stubborn and "independent" (yeah, that's what I'll call it :P), and maybe this kind of help from the man in the picture is more appreciated by other women (maybe :P).

At first we tried splitting the night shifts, and it didn't last long. I couldn't sleep if he was crying while Eric was trying to soothe him, Eric could (and most certainly would (lol)) sleep if he was crying and I soothed him. Most of the time he wouldn't stop crying unless I fed him (he was a newborn, it was silly of me to think that he wouldn't want to feed all hours of the night). I came to dread the words, "... I think he's hungry." to which I would frustratingly retort, "I JUST FED HIM!!" Once I learned (and once Clay's latch got good enough) to BF lying down, and I stopped trying to wake Eric up (are all men this impossible to wake up???), life got much easier (around 1 month).

Sometimes when my nipples hurt to much or when I just wanted to be sure that Clay was getting enough, I would express some milk and feed him with a little cup (I admit, it was largely to get him to sleep for longer stretches by making sure he was full! :P).

Now (4 months old)

Everything evened out over the next two or three months. Things were perfect for a while, and then there were times when it felt like we were starting all over again like he forgot how to latch properly, so we would try new positions and things went back to normal again. Now it seems like we're seasoned pros at the whole thing, although each new stage of development comes with it's own challenges. For example, Clay is more easily distracted now, so in the middle of feedings if something catches his interest, he will forget to let go of my boob and yank his head this way or that. Most times he'll just pop off and it doesn't hurt (much anyway :P), but recently he's become more determined to take the boob with him, and he chomps down to get a real good grip on it. I won't have much of that!
So since the beginning, he's gotten a lot more efficient at feeding, his latch is pro, he can nurse lying down, sitting up, in the mei tai carrier, in the ring sling and even a couple times on the potty during a challenging bowel movement :P Once you get the hang of it, it starts to feel as natural as it is, just hang in there, and get help if you need it! 

A Matter of Sleep...

I have to say one of the best things about breastfeeding is it's ability to put a baby to sleep. More so as a newborn, but even at 4 months, if he's tired at all it'll send him off into a sweet milky slumber. It's great at night time, because when he wakes up in most cases, all he needs is a little snack and he's back to sleep. Since we learned to nurse lying down together this has become a very simple nightly routine (I don't have to pick him up or move him since we bed share (unless he needs to go potty), just stick a booby in his mouth and he's happy!). 

I understand some people are of the impression that a baby shouldn't be put to sleep on the boob because they will come to rely on it for sleep, but in my opinion, I think the properties of breast milk are present for a reason... for example, the hormone oxytocin (which is also released just after orgasm in fact, it's that sleepy cuddly feeling ;)), the high fat content, prolactin, melatonin (the sleep hormone)
, cholecystokinin (now that's a mouth full!) all help to relax mama and baby. Something else to consider is that breast milk actually has day-specific "ingredients" that stimulate activity in the babe, and night-time components that help the baby to rest (Dr Cristina Sanchez)! Now that's enough evidence for me and many tired moms to forget trying to rock a screaming baby back to sleep in the wee hours of the night (although I will admit it is necessary at times, especially when babe's gassy). When in doubt (and when not :P) Just breastfeed! Nature made it that simple. 

A Matter of Feeling Important Enough

In the same way, it also helps to calm a baby down and ground them when they are upset throughout the day. Crying for any length of time releases stress hormones, which are detrimental to brain development. If baby is upset and was just fed, sure check his diaper, see if he needs a pee, but I believe it's crucial that we not let our babies cry for extended periods of time while we try to figure out what's wrong, or simply because we are too busy to feed them. Breastfeeding, is about more than just physical nourishment. When you respond to your baby's cries promptly and offer him the best thing in world, a warm sweet smelling breast to soothe him, you are communicating to him that he will always be provided with affection and nourishment when he needs it, without being chastised for asking.

A Matter of Convenience

Breastfeeding is so convenient. It requires no preparation, meaning no sterilizing, mixing, warming or planning ahead of time. Your breasts will come with you wherever you go, you can't forget them at home, you can't go wrong, and you don't have to worry about those money grabbing companies selling you faulty formula. Mother's milk is quick and easy, affordable, safe, and by far the healthiest food mankind has ever known.

A Matter of Nature

I could go on for... a long time about the unending list of health benefits nursing your newborn, baby, toddler, and even your child provides, but these things can be found in every other article on breastfeeding you'll encounter (minus the benefits of nursing your 6 year old ;)), so I will say only this; Breasts were made for breastfeeding. They were not made (specifically anyway...) to be neatly tucked into a padded lacy bra so that men would be overcome by their intoxicating power ;). They are beautiful, they are sexy and
they are womanly, but it seems that society has become somewhat greedy and forceful in their opinions on what function women's breasts should serve. Perhaps because a large amount of men (and women) were deprived of their mother's beautiful bosoms as an infant, they would become possessive of the boobies they've come to view in an overly sexual way, and even repulsed by the thought of them being used as a infant's source of nourishment. Meh, maybe it's a long shot, but I do know that since breasts are portrayed in such a sexual way, they are then labelled as "private parts" (tee hee... ;D), thus, they are to be shut away, never to be revealed in public (let alone sucked on and fondled by a toddler in public)!!

If a woman is to breastfeed, she should take care not to reveal herself to the public eye, especially to those of children who are to young to be exposed to such sexual things... 
I think people have become very confused. 

As a society, we need to get our priorities straight. Babies, NEED, milk. There is no substitute. Formula is not a healthy alternative, and in over 90% of cases, is not necessary (under 10% of women are actually totally unable to breastfeed their babies)! Many women don't understand breastfeeding. We are not educated about it, therefore, we assume it's not the normal thing to do.

A Matter of Changing the World

As breastfeeding women, hiding our BFing away from the public eye is not necessary, and for those who are on the fence about BFing, it's not helpful to never see it practiced in person. For some, breastfeeding is a very private thing, and if you choose to cover up and/or seek solitude when breastfeeding that is by all means your option, and take pride in your choice as a mother (I will say this to even the formula feeding mothers, as it is also your option. I simply aim to spread information and dispel misinformation about breastfeeding so that women are aware of their options). It is not seen as normal because it is not seen at all!! I implore you, if you are comfortable in exposing your breastfeeding to others, and aren't doing so just to spare the feelings of everyone else, reconsider your motives. Seek the humor in all the painfully obvious averted eyes, and all the misplaced attempts to demean or discourage you. Remember that you are exposing the next parenting generation to the normalcy of this practice. :)

My Plan...

I plan to breastfeed Clay until he weans himself. Yep, you read that correctly. After doing extensive research into the subject, I am now convinced that the age of 6 is the best (approximate) time to consider weaning (when the child will naturally begin to lose the ability to properly latch on anyway). Wondering why on earth I'd want to nurse a school age child!? Of course you are!! :D Read on... ;)

"According to the research of smith (1991), many primates wean their offspring when they are erupting their first permanent molars. First permanent molar eruption occurs around 5.5 to 6.0 years in modern humans. It is interesting to note that achievment of adult immune competence in humans also occurs at approximately six years of age, suggesting that throughout our recent evolutionary past, the active immunities provided by breast milk were normally available to the child until about this age (Fredrickson)." Read More...

For now, I will enjoy every moment of this immensely satisfying and intimate bond with my son. Through the good times and the bad, me and my boobies will be there for him. I hope this article has offered some new insight into the womanly world of breastfeeding :) 

Sunday 26 May 2013

I HAD to Share This... xD

Being a Mom/Being Active

Long time no post, I know. You know how motherhood is :P (actually that's a tad bit of an excuse, but I'll pretend nonetheless). I thought I would post something about keeping fit with a baby, although I'm quite new at the whole thing :P

I have tried to at least do some light stretching as often as I remember, because when you carry around a baby and perform all those repetitive tasks, your body can get upset at you. For example, when Clay was just a few weeks old I noticed that my right wrist started aching. Then it starting killing me. I realized that it was because I was putting all the pressure of his weight on my joints instead of compensating for the extra weight with the muscles in my arms (especially when I picked him up from lying down, or breastfed him). Not so long afterwards, I noticed my upper back on the right hand side started twinging at times... Still haven't quite figured this one out, but doing some twisting stretches helps. I think my back might be hurting because I need to squat more and use my arms more, instead of putting all the pressure on my back to do everything. Also, the necessity of having good posture is becoming more and more prevalent. I notice I slouch a lot, especially while breastfeeding. I've lost some of the muscle tone in my back and abs after pregnancy and delivery (g
asp!), and I've found it to be quite the challenge gaining it back while having to care for baby 24/7. I want to be there for Clay as much as I possibly can be, so while going out for the occasional yoga class isn't the end of the world, I want to find things we can do together that will keep me fit and feeling good (while keeping him entertained and content without the need for a babysitter, or a tv screen :P)!

Yoga with Baby

Yeah, this is something I've tried... and it works when he's in a good mood. I can incorporate him into some of the stretches like bound angle pose (where he sits in my lap in the same position, and we both lean forward (WARNING: do not try this pose after feeding unless you wanna see your milk again for some strange reason...) or some seated side bends (he sits in the triangle my legs create), standing wide leg forward bend (I hold him up by his hands in front of me so he can stand while I stretch), he can lay across my legs like superman if I hug them into my chest lying down, PLUS I can use him as a weight for lunges! There are a lot of ways to incorporate your baby into your yoga practice, although many poses require you to put baby down. Perhaps sometimes they won't mind, but if they do you'll hear about it! Now, I've only done this with a totally immobile baby, but there are dvds and books out there that can give you ideas for all ages. Personally, I watched one baby mama yoga dvd and hated it because the woman just did yoga while the baby just sat on the floor, or crawled around. Yep, it takes a real genius to come up with that. So I just came up with ways on my own that Clay could join in. It all depends on the baby and the mood he/she happens to be in. One more thing, there are baby mama yoga classes too (and I've heard of baby mama pilates I believe..?), I've just never gone to one. 


Yeah, I didn't really like the idea of walking for no reason either... although I do try my best to live by the philosophy of "life is a journey, not a destination". If the mood strikes, do it right away (or as soon as you possibly can, being a mom and all). To make it more interesting, I may power walk, or even more exciting (sheesh :P), power walk to a destination (*sigh*)... be it the grocery store, the mall, a coffee shop, whatever. When you walk, power walk (walk fast!) if you can. If not, just normal walking or strolling is still fantastic, and really good for you. I walk with Clay in a baby carrier (the mei tai is great for walking!) which contributes another 15 pounds to my ventures, but walking with a stroller works too (unless your walk happens to be a hike! :D). Getting out of the house and breathing some fresh air feels great!


So I just got a jogging stroller today off for $60.00! I went out for my first jog in over a year! It felt SO good to get my heart pumping and my lungs working! Clay didn't mind the stroller (this is the first time he's been in a stroller, and jogging is all I plan on using it for, despite the convenience of cup holders and storage compartments!), but I need to bundle him up more next time. I didn't think about the fact that he wouldn't be right next to my body to keep him warm.
Obviously there's no (comfortable, and maybe safe) way of jogging with an infant without a stroller, so there is that start up cost, but you can usually find one for a decent price on kijiji or in a baby consignment/secondhand store. Get a good pair of shoes and work it! I am SO looking forward to jogging with a mama friend of mine and her beautiful baby girl!

Family Centers

Some family centers that offer a "new parents group" or "parent and tot" meetings have things like zumba or aerobics. I know the family center I go to had zumba every Monday last month. You could bring your baby and they could chill out (or not) with other babies who also came to watch. Yes, if your baby starts freaking out you'll have to salsa your way out of that sweaty bliss (and what mom isn't used to dropping everything in the throes of their wailing wee one?), but who knows, they might even allow you a couple minutes, while they check out their new buds and watch in drooly amusement (and milky fantasies?) as you flail about, attempting to shimmy.

Anyways, that's all I can think of. It just comes down to the fact that our bodies need to move! and both mama and baby will benefit immensely from a healthy, active lifestyle.

Monday 22 April 2013

First Annual "Go Diaper-Free" Week!

From April 21st to the 27th is the first annual Go Diaper-Free week!

Day One

I started last night, and through the night I let Clay sleep in an AIO (All In One) diaper without the insert (so pretty much just a pair of underwear) and some pants. I put a couple of thick blankets underneath him so that if he had an accident my bed wouldn't get soaked. He peed three times and pooped twice throughout the night, and he had one miss (a pee). Throughout the day I'm keeping him in a pair of shorts or baby undies.

I was pretty excited when I discovered this event was taking place, because I've been doing Elimination Communication with Clay since he was a couple weeks old, but I've still been using diapers (which is fine). I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to take that next step towards being diaper free, for a couple of reasons. One, it kinda forces me to be more aware of his signals, because there's more on the line (like getting drenched with pee), two, I noticed that the cloth diapers kinda spread his hips/knees outwards (they are kinda poofy) and when he doesn't wear a diaper he has more room to move his legs around, and three, I LOVE feeling his cute little bum under his clothes instead of a big poofy diaper, his body is just to cute :)

So I'll keep you updated on our experience going a week with no diapers (this includes going out places! :P). We'll be using baby shorts and pants, tiny undies and the covers for the AIOs. Wish me luck! :D

Day Two

So last night went really well! No accidents, and he peed like three times. It's nice because he usually saves all his poop until morning lol :P

So, today I went out to a new parents group in my community which I've been going to for  4 weeks now. This time, there were actually other new moms there! :D Once I got there and sat down for a few minutes, I predicted it would probably be time for a potty break. I brought the inside of our toddler potty with me (which Clay uses all the time at home), so I took it out of my diaper bag and got him ready to go. I was sitting with the two new mums (T and V), and another friend I made with a 10 month old (K) and I whipped the potty out and got Clay to pee. I swear one of the best things about EC is the reactions I get from people! :D Everyone was asking me questions about it, and we had some really good conversations! T was really considering getting into cloth diapering (still on the fence), and V and I were already using them. Talking to us both I think inspired her to take the plunge! :) (yay!) Also all the mums there are fellow breast feeders, and the two new mums are baby-wearers! Squee! Like-minded people with babies Clay's age, finally! :D

Clay peed a few times at the family center (he had a couple of leaks on me too lol). He got weighed by the public health nurse (he's 13 pounds 11 ounces). At 12:00 I took him to the bathroom to clean out his potty and he peed in the toilet. Then we took off, to catch the bus.

I met a woman at the bus stop named Tammy. She mentioned that she was heading to the food bank (the one close to my house that I've tried getting a hold of for 2 weeks :P), so I decided to go with her. Clay was great the whole bus ride and the whole way to the food  bank. After I got registered I took him to the bathroom and he pooped in the sink :P Then I waited for my number to be called, and put Clay back in his sleepy wrap. He pretty much fell back asleep lol. I got all my food... It was A LOT. And the there were no volunteer drivers there today. So Tammy helped me lug all my stuff back to my house :P (it's like a 10 minute walk). My diaper bag was full of Clay's stuff, some canned food and a big jug of water, and I carried two heavy bags plus Clay in the wrap. Tammy carried the other two bags I had for me and pulled her cart full of food. I took my bags from her when we got to my house, and when I tried to stand back up from squatting I kinda collapsed cos of all the weight hahahaha!! I got inside and Clay had a HUGE poop and a nice long pee in the potty. Then he nursed for a little while, then he had another huge poop and pee like 10 minutes later lol. He's sleeping now. Everything is going well, and it's so satisfying for me to be aware of his cues enough for him not to have an accident and get me soaked while we were out and quite busy. I can't take all the credit though, if he had decided to go while I was waiting in line for my food, or walking home with all that food, I would've been very wet! Which is why I'm thinking while I have him in the wrap I may put a diaper on him next time, just in case!

So this evening so far Clay has had like 5 or more accidents on me! :S
He kept fussing and squirming while nursing, to me he very obviously had to go pee, so I would offer him the potty to which he responded with angry screams and tears! Then like 10 minutes later he would pee all over me! This happened like 5 times :P He's much calmer now, thankfully... I'm thinking maybe he's going through some sort of developmental milestone, with increased misses. Great timing Clay ;P lol! 

Day Three

So Clay didn't go at all last night, until about 8:00am when he had an accident. I tried him on the potty a couple hours later and he had his "big go" of the morning. At one point he was doing the same thing that happened yesterday evening, where he refused the potty with gusto, but still complained and fussed. This time it was gas. A lot of gas! I just stopped nursing him since he kept popping on and off the breast anyway, and just laid my hand on his belly. He totally relaxed after a few minutes, and then let out a bunch of toots that were quite powerful lol :P
It seems like today was ALL misses! 

Day Four

Last night I decided to start using diapers on Clay again lol. For one main reason: It seems that going completely diaper free can cause a lot more laundry if you have any misses (baby's pants get soaked, along with the multiple layers of blankets (and my pants) he sits on, instead of just the diaper getting wet and sparing his clothes (most of the time lol)).

So, we've been using diapers ever since last night, and we've been accomplishing the same ratio of misses and catches lol. Well, it was an illuminating experiment. I will still do diaper free time with him on a regular basis, but not permanently, at least not until we get better at the communication part of EC lol! Even as it is, I rarely change poopy diapers, which is a great feat in and of itself! :)

Day Five

So far I've just been going over exactly what's happened in my day doing EC, but today I'll go into my overall experience practicing it on a daily basis.

Like I said yesterday, we still have many pee misses, but on average I would say we have about a 60% success rate overall. Honestly, that's good enough for me! I'm certainly not implying I wouldn't want a higher "success" rate, but I'm quite happy with what we've accomplishes thus far. The communication between us has grown significantly, and I more fully understand his body language. I find myself gaining more confidence in my knowledge of when he needs to toot, or poop or pee, just as I know when he needs to burp, feed, be warm or just be held. Sometimes it takes me a little while to fully interpret what he really wants (in that time frame is when most of the misses take place), and sometimes he gets so upset that even if I hold him over the potty when he obviously has to go, he won't relax enough to actually do his business (resulting in a miss 5 minutes later, once his diaper is back on!). Sometimes it seems like he just wants to go in his diaper, which is fine, and through some research I've learned that perhaps this sort of thing happens because he's going through some significant developmental changes.

EC has become second nature to me, and it's just as much a part of our daily routine as occasionally changing diapers, feeding and doing laundry. Starting out it was a bit of a hassle (but the sensation of confusion means the brain is building connections! So I stuck with it, and it started to make more and more sense (I am still confused much of the time (but I guess that's inherent of being a mom or dad anyway!))

So, I'm here now. I may get better at understanding his needs, then I might find I all of the sudden have no idea what's going on. I think that's normal, and I think I'll just go with it :)

Day Six 

Today Clay and I went to a Pagan Beltaine Festival that lasted all day, and it's impossible to know how many diapers he'll need for the day! Sometimes he only needs 2 or 3, but today he needed 7 or 8, and I only brought 5 cloth (luckily I brought a couple (lighter to carry) disposables, just in case). He peed in his diaper again and again and again lol, but I caught three poops in the bathroom :)

I was talking to a friend about a little girl she just saw at this festival today, and how she thought she recognized her from years ago at another weekend long gathering. She explained that this girl's mother trained her to be diaper free, and that she would make some sort of sound and she'd hold her over the ground, and she would go!! Amazing!

I smiled and exclaimed, "me too! Sure saves on diapers." :)
Later on I approached the little girl's mother and started up a conversation about it. She's the first person I've met that did EC with her child! We really clicked and her little girl is such a sweetheart :) She started EC at 4 months, and told me about how potty training was a breeze and happened much sooner than the average of 3 years (her daughter is 4 or 5 now). I'm happy to have finally met someone who knows what EC stands for!

Day Seven

Today I walked down to Eric's work at the end of his shift to walk with him home. It was GORGEOUS out! A whopping 13 degrees :) the warmest day yet this year. While I was waiting for him outside I took a fussy Clay out of the wrap and nursed him. I knew he had to go but didn't really wanna go to the bathroom with him, so I squatted him with his diaper still on and cued for him to go. He sure did! and no mess or strange looks in public lol!

Well I hope this little glimpse into my life doing EC has helped, in some small way (or some mind boggling life altering way! Hey, who knows...). I'm syked to have contributed to the growing community of knowledge on the web regarding this practice, and I hope that I inspired some, and at least raised awareness for others. Thanks for following everyone! And please stay tuned for more fascinating posts about poop, breast milk, and other enthralling topics! Aahh, motherhood. Am I right?  

Here is a video of Clay cuing to go pee, me responding, plus the end result ;) 

and don't worry, soon I will be replacing this video with one where the end result will be easier to see! :P For everyone who has been following, I invite you to please toss me some topic ideas of things you'd like me to cover in my future posts. This is for you! :) Cheers! 

The Great Cloth Diaper Change

So this was an event I attended that was held on the 20th of April, to break the world record for the most cloth diapers changed at 11:00am around the world. It was a fairly short event but it felt really god to be among that many fellow baby wearers and cloth diaperers! :) Here's the site for more info:

And here are a few pics :)
On our way there (it was miserable out!)
Attending a baby sign language workshop
Getting ready...

Hold your diapers up!

All done :)

Tired after a long day (on the way home)

Mum you're hilarious! xD

My Hot Yoga Outing!

So I had an AWESOME time at hot yoga on the 19th. Surprisingly, I was able to do most of the practice, and it was Intense! I think I should have had more water though... :P

I had to leave in a hurry unfortunately... I was nursing Clay and the next thing I know, my bus is coming in 3 minutes!! So I quickly but him down on the couch as gracefully as I could manage in a hurry, said my good byes and I love yous and left. 

The bus ride was weird, to say the least. I couldn't keep my mind off Clay for the first little bit, but the further away I got from him it seemed the less my mind lingered on him. I kept forgetting that without Clay with me, people had no idea I was a mom... then I realized I really like the attention I get for that fact lol :P I found myself not so opposed to everyone in yoga class seeing my tiger stripes (stretch marks lol) because then they would know who I am. Kinda silly, I know that :P

There was a young couple on the bus, and from what I eavesdropped, they were expecting a baby. I heard talk of morning sickness and other things of the sort. It was interesting... they had no idea I had just gone through what she's going through now.

I got to yoga and met with my mom. We got changed, and I was very aware of people glancing at my post-preggo belly. I liked the recognition (again, yes I know, a bit egocentric :P). Periodically throughout class I found myself thinking of Clay... I found it challenging to quiet my mind at times... I kept thinking, I want to do this every week (which I'm hoping will happen soon)! 

I felt so light and loose afterwards... :) It was awesome. I got home, half expecting to immediately nurse Clay... but when I walked in the door all was quiet, and this is what I saw...

I'm so proud of my partner. And the words I heard from his mouth soon after I got home; (sweet music to my ears...) "You're job is hard..."

Sunday 14 April 2013

D-MER (dysphoric milk ejection reflex)

So I just discovered the name of this gross feeling I've been experiencing during breastfeeding, or rather during my let down. It's called Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex. When my milk lets down while I'm nursing or at other times during the day, I get this really nasty feeling... utter self disgust... all my thoughts feel tremendously low and negative all the sudden, and I just feel revolting. Apparently this is a fairly newly discovered syndrome, and people are still trying to figure out exactly what causes it and what helps... It's been shown that a sudden drop in dopamine has something to do with it, but they still don't know why it happens. It isn't PPD, although I thought it could be. I feel fantastic and very level headed all the time, except when my milk lets down... D-MER is very different than PPD, so my research has shown me. It usually disappears as suddenly as it comes on...

I've experienced an almost identical feeling to D-MER before I even got pregnant. When engaged in any sexual activity, unless I was feeling 100% confident and unashamed of my body, I would have to suppress that feeling of filth and shame in order to not shut down and stop in my tracks. It had nothing to do with the person, because it happened with everyone I've ever been with, including myself... I believe it may have originated from my past beliefs that it was a sin to be sexual, before marriage anyway. When I first discovered my sexuality, I kept telling myself it was shameful and wrong, and yet I kept exploring it. Eventually I ditched the belief that I was a sinner because of my human sexual urges, but apparently part of me still clings to it, as I Still feel that way many years later, from time to time.

Those of you who know what I'm talking about I'm sure, Really know what I'm talking about. It can pull you Right down into the pit of your stomach and smother you. It's a challenge sometimes to not let it overtake you. Breastfeeding isn't always warm fuzzy feelings and cozy bonding time, in fact, it's usually pretty normal and sometimes a little boring. I know it may sound to those of you who've never breastfed that I'm putting a downer on the whole experience, when I should instead be advocating the good things, so that people don't get scared away, or get the "wrong" idea. The truth is, breastfeeding can be a rather uncomfortable and even painful affair at times, but I'm 100% sure that if I gave it up now and switched to formula, I would deeply regret abandoning the miracle milk that my body so readily provides. I don't know what formula feeding is like, so I can't really say anything one way or another about the emotional or physical experience, but I can say that I would deeply miss putting my sweet baby to the breast for physical, psychological and spiritual nourishment. As every day and normal as it is to me now, I'm certain in a few years I'll look back on this time with warm feelings and longing, despite some yucky feelings along the way (which motherhood is full of btw, it's impossible to avoid! ;D).

I try to make sure that during a few feedings each day I really connect with my baby and acknowledge the beauty of breastfeeding, because it is precious. I try to look my bad feelings in the eye and stand my ground, to see them for what they are... thoughts. And I know I am not my thoughts, I just have them, and that's okay. I don't know where they come from, and maybe I never will. It may just be one of those things that I will have to embrace and push through, just like all of life's challenges. I'm sure that this too shall pass. It doesn't for one second make me reconsider my choice to breastfeed, but even if it did which it probably does for some people, that's OK. Talk about it, write about it, get some support, whatever that looks like for you.

I hope more research is published on this subject and how to prevent it, but for now I'll just stay calm and stay hydrated (for some reason whenever I experience D-MER I crave water, lots of it!). Reading books on the practice of Zen seems to help most of the time :) If you're experiencing this too I wish you the best of luck and I implore you to comment and share your story, plus any information you have about it. I believe it's more common than people think and it's a good thing to know you are not alone.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Some of the Cutest Pictures of Clay to Date

Only a day old :')
Hi mum...

First time in the sleepy wrap!

Smiling in his sleep! (only a few days old)

Wide eyes!


Such a tiny head!!



I love the shape of his mouth in this pic! xD

Bath time smiles with daddy :D


Oh... It snowed... Again :/
Bright eyes!
Hello, Mr. Moosey

Here's to Beautiful Baby Boys! <3 :)