Thursday 29 August 2013

freakin excited! Yeah Yeah Yeah! We're moving Sept. 31st or earlier. Such. A. Relief. I am so grateful we've been able to stay at the parent's house for this long and this cheap, but it's so time to move on. This place is so unhealthy mentally and physically. Everyone in this house is aggresive. The energy just feels angry and tense all the time, and we only have the one room for ALL of our stuff! 2 beds, 2 dressers, a portable closet, a desk, a shelf, three mini dressers for Clay, a dining room table and chairs, a bedside table, and a playpen. Plus 1 cat. *sigh* it's been reeeally hard. Clay has like 2 meters to roam, and he's full out crawling now. He wants to get into everything, and I feel so bad because he has no room to cruise around, since I can't let him on the ground outside of our bedroom due to the cat pee in the carpets.

The place we're moving to has hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, a big kitchen with space for a table, a big living room, a beautiful view, it's cat friendly, there's no mold, and there's laundry machines on site, all for $750.00 a month, heat and hot water included. Hell yeah! I am over the moon with excitement, I want to be there now.

Now, if we were to do laundry as much as we do now (pretty much a load a day :S) it would cost us about $120.00 a month, assuming the dryers would thoroughly dry our clothes, which I doubt. Soooo, I've decided to hand wash most things, excluding items such as jeans, towels and adult blankets which would be harder to wash I think. Now, by handwash, I mean make my own bucket washer! Check it out here: 
How to Make a Camp Style Bucket Washer and here: How to Wash Clothes in the Bucket Washer

So when it comes to drying the clothes, there's this!: The Indoor Clothesline!

Pretty stoked to try it, I hope it all works. I know it's gonna be a lot more work, but I think it's worth the extra $100.00 some a month!

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