Thursday 29 August 2013

Baby Led Weaning is Awesome!

Yes, Clay is now on solids! He started maybe a week before he was 6 months old. At first it was scary... now I just sit back, relax and eat my own meal while he eats his. It's so much fun preparing his meals alongside ours. Anything we're using for our meal that he can eat I put on a small plate for him, like so :)

He has had plum, banana (which was absolutely disastrous lol), peach (his favorite), watermelon, plum, bell pepper, swiss chard, spinach, strawberries, blue berries, grapes (in little chunks), cucumber, onion, garlic, mushroom, potato, sweet potato, oatmeal, quinoa, tomato, avocado, carrot, squash, lemon, orange, and more that I can't think of at the moment lol. 

We have done spoon feeding with things like oatmeal (which he finds hysterical or some reason lol), so it's not like I think the spoon is evil lol, I know some people who do :P He's gonna use a spoon one day, so I see no point in avoiding it all together. The reason we do BLW is because in my opinion babies should learn to chew before they learn to swallow, they should be allowed to make a mess and experiment on their own (under supervision of course) and fully "experience" food lol. It's fun, just as safe if not safer than puree, and babies learn to eat until they are full, not beyond, so it's a great start to healthy eating habits down the road.

Won't he choke? abies have a gag reflex that is closer to the front of their mouths then adults'.So in doing BLW or spoon feeding, you may notice some gagging. But the difference between gagging and choking is thatif a baby is choking they will not make a sound and you will hear no breath. When a baby is gagging they may stick their tongue out like they're about to throw up, they may cough, but as long as they are breathing and making noise they are perfectly able to handle it on their own, do not interfere unless they are obviously choking. In that case, be educated on what to do in case of emergency. This goes for puree 100% as well. 

Here are some pictures of baby boy eating all on his own *tear* ;)

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