Wednesday 10 July 2013

Air Travel... o.o Nervous!

So next week I'm going to visit my whole family in Ontario. I'm super stoked! Everyone gets to meet Clay, we're going to the zoo, and I get to see my three year old cousin and his new brother, my 5 month old cousin (same age as Clay). I'm counting down the days, but I'm a bit nervous about the whole ordeal of going through the airport... checking in, and going through security, mostly. I'm worried that even though I've called the airline and asked them exactly what I'll need ID wise for both of us, I won't be able to get through because I'm missing something. :P I know it's silly, but I'll call again before I go, and get the name of the person I spoke with and the time, just in case lol.

I'm nervous about security, because I don't want to be that person that they choose to pat down and search :P I'm not taking a stroller, Clay will be in the ring sling... I'm not sure if I'll have to take him out... Once I get past all that and I get to my gate, I'll be much happier I think :)

I've been going kinda crazy with my packing list. I just want to make sure I have everything... I've never traveled this far and for this long with a baby! It's better that I have it all written down too because then when I go to pack I don't have to think much lol, I've already gone over and over what's going to be packed where.

I sure hope Clay doesn't have a cold when we fly... I've been sick a few times while flying and it SUCKS. It's horrible! I've had such intense sinus pain because of the cabin pressure, it felt like my eyes and forehead were slowly exploding, while simultaneously being stabbed by tiny needles and at the same time my brain was imploding in on itself. Yes it was that bad! Which is why I REALLY REALLY hope Clay is healthy. I know breastfeeding is supposed to help, thankfully.

I just thought about how I may be seated next to some disapproving old lady who gives me nasty looks for whipping my boob out in public without a cover ;) mwahahaha! Let her stare till she learns something! xD

I'm not to worried about the fact that Clay will most likely cry a some point on the plane ride. Go ahead and glare at me, I'm not gonna hold your feelings over my baby's any day. Honestly I think just pretending no one else is on the plane is the best idea, so that I can focus solely on my baby's needs.

Anyway, wish me luck! I'll tell you how it goes!

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