Monday 22 April 2013

My Hot Yoga Outing!

So I had an AWESOME time at hot yoga on the 19th. Surprisingly, I was able to do most of the practice, and it was Intense! I think I should have had more water though... :P

I had to leave in a hurry unfortunately... I was nursing Clay and the next thing I know, my bus is coming in 3 minutes!! So I quickly but him down on the couch as gracefully as I could manage in a hurry, said my good byes and I love yous and left. 

The bus ride was weird, to say the least. I couldn't keep my mind off Clay for the first little bit, but the further away I got from him it seemed the less my mind lingered on him. I kept forgetting that without Clay with me, people had no idea I was a mom... then I realized I really like the attention I get for that fact lol :P I found myself not so opposed to everyone in yoga class seeing my tiger stripes (stretch marks lol) because then they would know who I am. Kinda silly, I know that :P

There was a young couple on the bus, and from what I eavesdropped, they were expecting a baby. I heard talk of morning sickness and other things of the sort. It was interesting... they had no idea I had just gone through what she's going through now.

I got to yoga and met with my mom. We got changed, and I was very aware of people glancing at my post-preggo belly. I liked the recognition (again, yes I know, a bit egocentric :P). Periodically throughout class I found myself thinking of Clay... I found it challenging to quiet my mind at times... I kept thinking, I want to do this every week (which I'm hoping will happen soon)! 

I felt so light and loose afterwards... :) It was awesome. I got home, half expecting to immediately nurse Clay... but when I walked in the door all was quiet, and this is what I saw...

I'm so proud of my partner. And the words I heard from his mouth soon after I got home; (sweet music to my ears...) "You're job is hard..."

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