Thursday 29 August 2013

Air Travel was a Success :)

So when we went to Ontario, Clay was perfectly fine on the airplane, just like on the bus. He even had a nap both ways. Landing and Take off didn't seem to bother him it all thankully. The fact that there wasn't much room was annoying but what can ya do. Also, he had to pee like 3 or 4 times during the 2 hour light lol... maybe the air pressure made a difference.

Going through security was flawless, but one thing I found... funny... maybe? Kind of ridiculous actually, was when this security woman asked if I had any liquids for me or for him, and I said nope, nothing. She looked at me like I was a horrible parent and said it must be a short flight then..... Come on people. I wasn't sure what to say since this was the first time anyone has suggested I use formula..

Everyone was really helpful at the airport, so it was an unexpectedly pleasant experience, despite my anxieties about the trip.

The day after I got back I went on a week long camping trip hahaha... I was relieved to get home. But after all the chaos, and Clay learning how to crawl through it all, not to mention he sprouted his first tooth shortly after we got back, he refused to go potty at all for a good week or so. At first I was kinda bummed, but I knew it was normal. So I just let him go in his diaper and did diaper free observation time once a day to try to get a new grasp on his cues and timing again. It took a little while but we're almost back to normal, although we've been missing a lot of poops recently and that's no fun with a baby on solids... :S

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